Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Prewhelp head count

It isn't easy counting babies when there are this many. Of course, it
helps when you put numbers on the skulls. It looks like Korra has
a baseball team in there.
Prewhelp X-rays are done a few days prior to the expected delivery
as the babies' skeletons only start to calcify 10 days prior to the due
date. Now my job is to get them all out alive. Fingers crossed for
the New Year's Day delivery.

Blue Run Does Brown

We don't very often see a brown dog among the Blue
Run family but this pretty girl is a nice rich brown.
Typically, brown dogs fade to a latte brown by age
2. We'll have to see how this puppy matures and if she
keeps this nice color.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

CH Scrimshaw's Griffin

This lovely boy is the father of the two expected litters due in a
few days. He is currently 12 years old and still going strong. He
has produced many healthy offspring which is one of the reasons
I chose to use him in my breeding program.

Monday, December 14, 2015

It is a sad Christmas greeting that does not feature
a Blue Run puppy with the family. Here, Jfez is
shown with Santa in Mary's Christmas card. He
is just 6 months old and he is awfully cute! Jfez,
not Santa.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Libra is pregnant, too!

I really thought I had missed the timing in both Korra's and
Libra's breedings but they are both confirmed pregnant by
sonogram. Libra had 11 girls in her first litter two years ago
It appears she again has 10 or 11 pups in the oven.
Korra's litter is probably smaller. I am looking forward to
black and black and white puppies from these girls. The
same stud, CH Scrimshaw's Griffin, sired both litters. He
produces healthy pups that aren't too big.
Local families, particularly those open to having a show/
breeding prospect, are being sought. I expect lovely puppies.